Sunday, July 20, 2008

60 Pounds Later

Pictures always tell a story and this one is a trifle bit shocking. Yes, it's really me before the 60 pounds went south. When I look at this picture, it is hard to believe I was so overweight. I think one of the hardest things to do is to take an honest look at ourselves.

Yes, I knew my clothes didn't fit just right. I never had enough energy to exercise but I didn't realize at the time I needed to make some serious decisions. I was struggling with chronic fatigue and every year an upper respiratory infection would take hold of me for weeks. I must admit, I was very ashamed of the way I looked. The reality was I didn't feel like myself anymore. Depression and hopelessness were the only friends I had and as desperate as I was for them to leave they continued to hang around.

My family has always supported me but no one was brave enough to tell me the hard core truth. Mom, you need to loose weight! I'm sure they didn't want to hurt my feelings but I really needed someone to take my hand and guide me. Trapped inside of me, was a beautiful princess warrior, waiting for her prince to come riding in and provide a way of escape.

I was exhausted from all the diet books on the market and I was not going to experiment anymore. One day a dear friend gave me a book to read about biblical nutrition and my journey began. After learning what the bible had to say about God's perspective on how to eat healthy, I made a choice to do it His way. My glorious Prince had finally arrived! He had always been with me but was patiently waiting on me to lean on Him and stop striving in my own strength. The Standard American Diet had been my way for many years and now it was time for me to enter the pathway of freedom.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, God's Word says, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.."

He even tells us the right answer to pick. Life! I stand humble before The Lord today and I am reminded I can do all things through Him Who strenghtens me. Maybe you are struggling today with health issues. I encourage you to humble yourself before The Lord and ask Him to direct you to your pathway of healing. He will help you because He stands forever faithful.

Have a healthy green day!

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