Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Buddy System

One of the first things I recommend my clients to do, while transitioning from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to the raw food lifestyle, is to find a buddy. The act of eating is social and emotional. Food taste better when shared with people you love. The success rate will be much higher with a person you can count on at all times for support and encouragement. The highs and lows of the raw food lifestyle are balanced out with strong team work.

The transformation period is full of many changes. Your body undergoes shifts and roller coaster rides you are not really prepared for. Toxins and chemicals are purged and chased out of the body in many different ways. Headaches, nausea, body odors, depression, food cravings and facial changes are just a few of the detox symptoms you might encounter. A loyal friend to travel with down the bumpy journey can be a great asset.

I am deeply grateful for the person who held my hand and gave me a shoulder to lean on when I made the choice to choose this lifestyle. My sister, Marsha, has been my faithful raw food buddy. Her constant encouragement and prayers have carried me through times when I was feeling lonely and unsure of myself. Marsha helped me recognize detox symptoms as my body embraced the cleansing process. A trust worthy friend is more valuable than their weight in gold. Marsha has been one of the most valuable gifts God have ever given me. Thank you, Marsha, for being the awesome raw food princess warrior that you are in God's Kingdom. I love you with all of my heart.


Amanda said...

wow 2 hotties!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie said...

You have been my buddy. Everyone needs a support person that will help them on their road to better health without condemnation. I am not 100% raw. But most days I am. Mitzi has been the one that has made that happen with all the wonderful recepies she has given me that satisfy me. I love her gentle ways.
God's gentleness is what drew me to Him, and I see that fruit in her.