Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Raw Adventure

I finally gave in and spent the outrageous price for this gorgeous looking tropical fruit. I was hesitate because I knew I would be sending my taste buds on a new adventure. After all just the name dragon fruit does not sound too appealing. It could be a ancient fruit that furious, fire spitting dragons grazed upon in mythology times. Perhaps the fruit grew in The Garden of Eden? I like my second idea better.

According to an Asian legend the fruit was produce by a fire breathing dragon. When the dragon was in battle it would breath fire out of it's mouth and the last thing to come out was the fruit. After the dragon was killed the Asian warriors would collect the fruit and present it to the Emperor as a treasure of their victory.

I placed the $6.00 piece of fruit on the cutting board and gave it a good slice down the middle. The flesh was white with little black seeds that look like poppy seeds. The taste is very similar to kiwi but with a gentle sweetness and not as tart. The seeds have a fun, crunchy feel in your mouth. I thoroughly enjoyed it and even shared the other half with my daughter Sarah, who loved it. She wants me to buy another one.

The exploration of trying new raw foods is a great adventure we can all enjoyed if we allow our natural instincts to take over. The bogged-down thinking of the mind that has been fed the standard american diet keeps the body in prison. We are not free to explore the beautiful food God has created for us to eat. We think we have to cook everything and so in turn all the enzymes and nutrients are destroyed leaving us with dead food and eventually a dead body. I challenge you all to think raw! Go on an outrageous taste bud adventure with me and let's explore unknown territory to a far away island giving our bodies the best food God has to offer. My next adventure is a durian! Until next time think green and eat raw!

The Healthy Green Chef


Anonymous said...

Love this!!! That fruit was really tasty :) I want another one!

Lauren @ Team Giles said...

Keep on bloggin' mom! you're a great writer!

Unknown said...

You look great! What does a dragon fruit taste like?