This last year of 2008 has been the hardest year of my entire life. After my husband's sudden death, in November of 2007, I was face to face with many uncertainties and a boat load of fears. I loved my role as wife and mother because I believe this is one of the highest callings of a woman. My identity had been wrapped up in raising my five children and being his wife of thirty-eight years. His death left me feeling like a baby bird toppled from the nest by a torrent wind. I didn't know who I was apart from my husband. My role as a stay at home mom was changed in the blink of an eye. The monumental task of being the bread winner overwhelmed me day and night. What was I going to do with myself after all of these years?
God's unconditional love for me and the raw food life style have been two major pillars during this time of grief. There have been days when I felt like I did not have strength to carry on and God's strength held me together. The pain of grief was so intense I felt as though I couldn't draw another breath. God has been my breath. I know I would not have made it through this tough time spiritually or physically. Love, time and God's beautiful foods have been my friends daily.
My passion for life has brought me to share with others the raw food lifestyle. I believe I am called to help as many people who have ears to hear this message of healing and hope. My own life is a work in progress of how God can use His children no matter what the storms of life bring our way. My life is not over. I am awakening into a new life, just like the butterfly, who emerges from the secure cocoon. Freedom calls me to mount up with wings like eagles. I will run and not be weary. I will walk this earth and not be afraid.
amen mom!
do share as I would love to glean some good healthy knowledge!
came by the way of Amanda..;D
I love how you are so open with your life. There are no walls.
You let everyone see who you are.
That is awesome.
And the fact you are giving God all the glory and trust for your life is so beautiful.
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